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6. Pick and Place Task: Demonstrating Robotic Manipulation with a 2R Robot Arm

In this article, we will demonstrate how a 2R robot arm can perform a pick and place task, which is a common operation in industrial automation, warehousing, and other applications. We will use the simulation developed earlier to illustrate the various phases of the pick and place task and discuss the important considerations and challenges that arise during this process. Please refer to the 2R pick-and-place robot simulation on GitHub.

6.1. Overview of the Pick and Place Task

A pick and place task involves a robotic manipulator picking up an object from an initial position and moving it to a final position. The task can be broken down into several distinct phases:

  • Move to Initial Position: The robot arm moves from its home position to the initial position above the object to be picked up.

  • Waiting: The robot arm waits for a signal or condition to initiate the pick-up process.

  • Picking up the Object: The robot arm descends, grabs the object using an end-effector (e.g., a gripper), and then ascends back to its initial position.

  • Move to Final Position: The robot arm moves the object to the desired final position.

  • Placing the Object: The robot arm descends, releases the object, and then ascends back to its position above the final location.

  • Return to Home Position: The robot arm returns to its home position, ready for the next pick and place task.

6.2. Implementing the Pick and Place Task in the 2R Robot Arm Simulation

To demonstrate the pick and place task using the 2R robot arm simulation, we can follow these steps:

  • Define the Initial and Final Positions: Specify the coordinates of the initial and final positions in the workspace.

initial_position = np.array([2, 2])
final_position = np.array([4, 2])
  • Compute the Joint Angles for Each Position: Use the inverse kinematics function to compute the joint angles corresponding to the initial and final positions.

initial_angles = inverse_kinematics(initial_position)
final_angles = inverse_kinematics(final_position)
  • Animate the Pick and Place Task: Use the FuncAnimation class from the matplotlib library to animate the robot arm’s movements through the various phases of the pick and place task. This involves updating the joint angles, the end-effector position, and the box’s position for each frame of the animation.

def update(frame):
    # Implement the different phases of the pick and place task
    # by updating the robot arm's joint angles and the box's position
    # based on the current frame of the animation.

# Create the animation using the FuncAnimation class
animation = FuncAnimation(fig, update, frames=num_frames, interval=100)

6.3. Challenges and Considerations in Pick and Place Tasks

Performing pick and place tasks with a robotic manipulator can involve several challenges and considerations:

  • Accuracy and Precision: Ensuring that the robot arm accurately picks up and places the object requires precise control of the end-effector’s position and orientation.

  • Collision Avoidance: The robot arm must avoid collisions with obstacles in the workspace or with its own links during the pick and place task.

  • Gripper Design: The choice of gripper or end-effector can have a significant impact on the robot arm’s ability to securely pick up and release the object.

  • Control Algorithms: Efficient and robust control algorithms are necessary for smooth and accurate execution of the pick and place task.

  • Speed and Efficiency: In industrial and warehousing applications, it is often essential to optimize the speed and efficiency of pick and place tasks to improve productivity and reduce operation costs.

  • Object Recognition and Localization: In more complex scenarios, the robot arm may need to recognize and localize the objects to be picked up and placed, which can involve computer vision techniques and sensor fusion.

  • Dynamic Environments: In dynamic environments, the robot arm may need to adapt its movements in real-time to respond to changes in the workspace, such as moving obstacles or variations in object positions.

  • Redundancy Resolution: For robot arms with more degrees of freedom than required for a specific task, redundancy resolution techniques can be used to find the optimal joint configurations to achieve the desired end-effector position and orientation while satisfying other constraints (e.g., minimizing energy consumption or avoiding singularities).

6.4. Conclusion

In this article, we demonstrated how a 2R robot arm can perform a pick-and-place task using a simulation. We discussed the various phases of the pick and place task and some of the challenges and considerations that arise during this process. By understanding the principles and techniques involved in pick and place tasks, students and engineers can develop more advanced robotic systems capable of handling complex manipulation tasks in various applications.

6.5. Exercise


Example 1

Design a pick and place task for a 2R robot arm. Specify the initial and final positions of a box and the robot’s joint angles. Implement a Python code to calculate the necessary joint angles for the initial and final positions using inverse kinematics. Discuss the challenges you might face during the implementation and how to address them.


For this task, let’s assume the initial position of the box is at coordinates (x1, y1) = (1.5, 1.0), and the final position is at coordinates (x2, y2) = (2.5, 1.0). To calculate the necessary joint angles for the initial and final positions, we can use inverse kinematics.

import numpy as np

def inverse_kinematics(x, y, L1, L2):
    cos_theta2 = (x**2 + y**2 - L1**2 - L2**2) / (2 * L1 * L2)
    sin_theta2 = np.sqrt(1 - cos_theta2**2)
    theta2 = np.arctan2(sin_theta2, cos_theta2)

    cos_theta1 = (x * (L1 + L2 * cos_theta2) + y * L2 * sin_theta2) / (x**2 + y**2)
    sin_theta1 = (y * (L1 + L2 * cos_theta2) - x * L2 * sin_theta2) / (x**2 + y**2)
    theta1 = np.arctan2(sin_theta1, cos_theta1)

    return theta1, theta2

L1 = 2.0
L2 = 1.5

# Calculate joint angles for initial and final positions
theta1_initial, theta2_initial = inverse_kinematics(1.5, 1.0, L1, L2)
theta1_final, theta2_final = inverse_kinematics(2.5, 1.0, L1, L2)

print(f"Initial joint angles: {theta1_initial}, {theta2_initial}")
print(f"Final joint angles: {theta1_final}, {theta2_final}")

Some challenges you might face during the implementation include:

  • Handling singularities: These occur when the robot’s configuration results in a loss of control in certain directions. The code provided above does not handle singularities, and you would need to add error handling or an alternative method to address them.

  • Choosing the correct solution: The inverse kinematics function provided above returns one of the possible solutions for the joint angles. In some cases, there might be multiple valid solutions or none at all. You would need to choose the most appropriate solution based on the task requirements.


Example 2

Describe the role of forward kinematics in a pick and place task, and provide a Python code snippet that calculates the end-effector position given a set of joint angles.


Forward kinematics plays a crucial role in pick and place tasks as it allows us to determine the end-effector position based on the joint angles. This helps us verify if the robot arm has reached the desired position during the task execution.

Here’s a Python code snippet to calculate the end-effector position given a set of joint angles:

def forward_kinematics(theta1, theta2, L1, L2):
    x = L1 * np.cos(theta1) + L2 * np.cos(theta1 + theta2)
    y = L1 * np.sin(theta1) + L2 * np.sin(theta1 + theta2)
    return x, y

# Example joint angles
theta1 = np.pi / 4
theta2 = np.pi / 3

# Calculate end-effector position
x, y = forward_kinematics(theta1, theta2, L1, L2)

print(f"End-effector position: ({x}, {y})")

This code defines the forward_kinematics function, which computes the end-effector position (x, y) based on the joint angles (theta1, theta2) and the lengths of the robot arm’s links (L1, L2). The example provided calculates the end-effector position for given joint angles, which could be used to verify if the robot arm has reached the desired position during the pick-and-place task execution.


Example 3

In the context of a pick and place task, describe how you would verify if the 2R robot arm has successfully picked up a box and moved it to the desired final position. Implement a function in Python that checks if the box has reached the desired position within a specified tolerance.


To verify if the 2R robot arm has successfully picked up a box and moved it to the desired final position, you can use the forward kinematics function to compute the end-effector’s position for the given joint angles. By comparing the computed end-effector position with the desired final position, you can determine if the robot arm has reached the target position within a specified tolerance.

Here’s a Python function that checks if the box has reached the desired position within a specified tolerance:

def is_target_reached(current_position, target_position, tolerance):
    Checks if the robot arm's end-effector has reached the target position within the specified tolerance.

    :param current_position: Tuple of the current end-effector position (x, y).
    :param target_position: Tuple of the target end-effector position (x, y).
    :param tolerance: A positive float value indicating the allowed positional error.
    :return: True if the target position is reached within the specified tolerance, otherwise False.
    dx = abs(current_position[0] - target_position[0])
    dy = abs(current_position[1] - target_position[1])

    if dx <= tolerance and dy <= tolerance:
        return True
        return False

You can use this function along with the forward kinematics function to determine if the robot arm has successfully completed the pick and place task by reaching the desired final position within the specified tolerance.

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Comments (2)

Amos Munene

Hey there. The sample values used in Example one bring about the following error in the function when executed:

" imeWarning: invalid value encountered in arccos "

I suggest using the following values instead L1 = 2 , L2 = 1 , x=2 , y = 1


I'd really like if you would explain to me Inverse Kinematics for a six-DoF robot, because All the tutorials and resources are not for such robots.